
Friday 14 July 2017

4 churches you should stop attending revealed, see tea inside

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hello guys welcome to another episode of endtime stories and today topic lies on "churches you should stop attending".
In our present world now its been recorded that every single day different churches with different names are been opened, and you can find nowadays that different comedians now even use the names to form jokes from A to Z, thats funny right?...but coming to think of it if i may ask how "many of these churches are genuie" ?... actually to be sincerly speaking out of all the churches that are been opened today only few are to be trusted. today am going to share with you churches you should stop attending 

  1.churches that preaches only about success

In many churches today when atended you find out the only thing they preach about is just only about success, only how you will get money, how you will start living big and so on, but seriously i have read so many books and to be sincerly speaking the Bible don't talk about how you would become the world richest man, the Bible focus is just about you living life the right way being contended with the little you have learning to give to the poor because,note: God and rich people have problem.

 2. churches that don't condemn immoral dressing

There are different church that say the way you dress does not matter, all that matters is just your heart, but i want to tell you brethren that its very very wrong because i know very much that your body is the temple of God so when you are not well dressed its nothing but a big sin to the lord.

 3. churches that condemn some verses of the bible

There are many churches today that condemns different verses of the bible, why? because they feel its misleading their church members, and you will find out that instead of using the main bible every other churces are using they will write their own bible and checking their own written bible you will find out its theirs thats even misleading the church members


 4. churches that don't say the word "jesus"

I know many people has noticed this from the churches they attend but still they don't want to put it into conclusion because maybe they trust where they worship but i want to tell you brethren today...its 95% sure that that your church is not genue quit.

i want to be very sure that after today you would realise yourself and switch from the church you attend to another after this revelation, because we all have to be careful because endtime is near 

thanks for spending your time reading this piece but pls show some love share this page

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