
Thursday 20 July 2017

400 couples set to exchange vows in another 77 D.O.Gs mass wedding


Miracle Centre Cathedral – Rugaba has confirmed that 400 couples are set to exchange wedding vows on Thursday.
Robert Kayanja, the church founding Pastor and CEO of Christian television Channel 44, will preside over this wedding many believe will be the first-of-its kind to register such a record number of couples wedded on a single day in Uganda.
This celebration has been announced as the Church nears the climax of its ongoing revival meeting, 77 Days of Glory season 4.
Pr Kayanja in one of his June sermons spoke against cohabitation among couples. When two people who are not married live together, Kayanja said, satan depends on it to condemn them.
He urged unmarried couples to move past excuses of financial inadequacy and take advantage of the opportunity the church offers them.
“That is why the church is here. That is why we help, and we do it professionally. If you have been at the three mass weddings we have, they are first class. You don’t have to tell God that I could not afford it. You can afford it through the grace of out Lord Jesus Christ. And through the generosity of the holy spirit. This mass wedding is the hope you have, you don’t have to live in cohabitation.” He said.

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