
Friday 14 July 2017

Prayers: how to pray when you woke up by morning time

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I’ve always been indescribably drawn to the private life of Jesus.
The Jesus who was led into the wilderness.
The Jesus who agonized over His suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane.
But the moments that interest me most are when Jesus withdrew to quiet places to pray — each prayer time a compelling picture of the Son’s intimate connection with His Father.
Mark tells us in our key verse that while it was still dark, Jesus slipped out of the house and went to a secluded place to meet with His Father. Mark doesn’t tell us what morning this was. But we do know this prayer time followed a full day of healing the sick and casting out demons.
After that kind of day, you would think Jesus might have slept in … just for an hour or two. I would have. But not Jesus. He awakened before the sun peeked over the horizon to be refreshed and renewed for the ministry awaiting Him that day.
Oh, how I long to know what Jesus said. How long did He pray? What did He pray? Could He audibly hear His Father’s response? Were the angels with Him?
And more practically, did His mind wander? Mine does. Sometimes I find myself praying and my mind travels to my “to do” list. Or I begin praising God but then the concerns weighing on my heart push through and usher out my praise.
I imagine Jesus’ mind didn’t wander because He knew in those solitary places He was sitting in the very presence of His Father. And what I forget — perhaps many of us do — is that when we pray, we too sit in the very presence of God, our Father.
Although our eyes cannot visibly see Him, I picture Him drawing near, bending close to hear our every word. His Spirit surrounding us. His hands lifting our faces heavenward. His ears fixed on every cry of our hearts … the praises, the confessions, the anxieties, the fears, the doubts … He hears them all.
Sometimes it’s hard to awaken early. Hard to focus. And most of all, it’s hard to fathom that the God of the universe, who holds the entire world in His hands, has time to hear our little prayers. But not only does He have the time, He calls us to come to Him. Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” (NIV).
So, let’s band together this week for morning prayer. Each morning, find a solitary place to pray … your own secret spot. Below, I’ve written a special prayer for us to open our time with God.
Our Morning Prayer:
Dear Lord, I don’t know who or what will cross my path today. But I do know that You are my Rock and my Fortress. You are my Shield and my Strong Tower. Help me to anchor myself to You today. Teach me how to stand strong in You and choose only Your way today. Help me walk by Your truth and not my feelings.
Help me to embrace anything that comes my way as an opportunity to see You at work and as an opportunity to point others to You.
Thank You that You love me and nothing can ever take that away from me! Even if I fail today and fall short, You whisper Your unconditional love deep into my soul and remind me that Your mercies are new every morning.
That truly amazes me, Lord.
Thank You for meeting with me today. Would You wake me again tomorrow with the same sweet whisper of Your love? I can’t wait to meet with You again. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Imagine the marvelous sight before God’s eyes! Each morning this week, as Elohim, the God who created us, peeks over the edge of heaven, gazes across the continents, and spans the time zones, He will find His girls gathering to pray with one voice: Our morning prayer.
Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (NIV)

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