
Friday 4 August 2017

Christianity is Gradually Going Into Extinction – Comedian, Ali Baba Writes Interesting Piece

Popular Nigerian comedian, Ali Baba, who is dubbed the godfather of Nigerian stand-up comedy, has written an interesting piece to Nigerians. 

The father of Stand-up comedy in Nigeria and ‘Wedding Party’ actor, Atunyota Alleluya Akporobomerere, popularly known by his stage name, Ali Baba, has taken to his Instagram page to pen an interesting piece to Nigerian ladies.

Read below;

“Let me use this opportunity to celebrate family. Not as a unit as the Nuclear family advocate make us believe. But a robust one. Even though a lot of economic realities now make us think twice before having more than 2 kids. 

“There is danger in our society that is not being attended to. It’s the gradual and calculated extinction of Christians. It may not have occurred to you but it has to me, severally. So the Christian home now has one man one wife. And if owing to unforseen circumstances, the wife in that Christian home has no child, that is it. 

“Then you add the number of people becoming Nuns and Reverend Fathers… That also means, that is it. Then throw into that equation, the consequences of corporate sojourn amongst male and female 9-5 Who are in pursuit of careers. They suddenly realize by age 40+ that they should start a family. And by then, for a few, options are few. 

“Then you can add societal stigmatization that make people treat single mothers like they committed a grave sin. So, they are tempted to abort & many do. Then because of mistakes, in D&C process, the procreation center, the womb, is tampered with. There are also those, who decided they don’t want kids at all. Some go to the extent of vasectomy and hysterectomy. And that is that. 

“You also have those who say unless they marry a particular person, it’s a no children life for them. Hard choice you might say. Now add outright infertility. Male and female. In our African society, some people can lock down a woman’s womb just because… Now the most dangerous part of the plan as orchestrated is sexual preferences. 

“MALE AND MALE, FEMALE AND FEMALE, don’t procreate. That’s that. But on the flip side, a man can marry 4 wives, divorce all 4, marry replacements and continue the process of multiplying the earth. 1 man can blow himself up & take out thousands. Where does that leave us as Christians? Let me tell you something interesting, if not for single mums & the children that are being won over from other faith, Christianity would have been hit. This post is not to promote fornication & adultery, instead it’s just to bring to your notice what’s been on my mind. Shebi I’m just comedian.”

1 comment:

  1. This 'Ali Baba' article is simply well stated and non-argumentative while touching on the reality of its nature; prompts a thoughtful reply. Inter-twining beliefs, customs and traditions outside of what God created...what he set forth...what he spoke...he never changed nor altered his words to suit any mans wants...needs...desires; Man did it...Gods creation of man is for his glorification; his purpose...not the other way around...When man does not turn around...face God for guidance...God does not intervene...he allows because of mans will...yet God got what is needed when sought after...if not..." you have not because you ask not"...not my words. Society, system set-ups and governing laws, traditions, customs and traditions have blinded man from his true being. God is rich and to be glorified. It is not about worldly riches or fortunes of ill-got-gain...but the pathway to destruction. When man does not have God as head (supposedly) ruling in the home; in marriage and hears the crying child for which one do not want to let reach his hearing; divine intervention is for sure. Wisdom, since the beginning of time, stands in the streets compelling man to listen for guidance, understanding, knowledge...any other way is an enemy to God...John 3:16 " For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son..." a son who willingly come to redeem man back to the Father...a son who taught, walking among us...Jesus Christ...the son of the true and living God nailing all sins to the cross and save us from this sin-sick deceiving world and from ourselves...Jesus taught his Disciples, commissioned them to go out into the world; make more teach, observe all things. As noted in the article, the writer could not have realized...However, That life man claim to be his/hers to do whatever will...belongs to the one who gave it...God. Man tampers with his life...his flesh, his seed and career over family values...It is necessary to address that charity begins at home, then spreads abroad...a responsibility man can not escape from and to be held accountable...Remember; God approached Adam...the Gospel went out into all the world...the writer of this article had to have been spiritually inspired because there are children involved...blessings...US/NC
